September 1, 2024

Content Governance in the Age of AI

Clear and consistent technical content is closely linked to business goals, such as reducing risk. Achieving these content goals often requires collaboration among multiple types of professionals.

  • Internal full-time content writers.
  • Subject matter experts, either writing content themselves, or operating in an approver/consultant role.
  • Third-party content writers.

And generative AI — being used by 75% of knowledge workers — just adds another layer of content production complexity. Working with multiple, and sometimes changing, contributors in an often-regulated field is hard. You need to maintain consistency and clarity, all while providing safe, compliant, and clear documentation for your readers. Combined with fast product content release cycles and little time for proofreading, technical content creation is challenging.

To solve this dilemma, you need support in your content supply chain. Technology that’s tailored to improve enterprise content while keeping efficiency up and risk down. We’re talking about content governance software.

What’s content governance?

“Content governance is a systematic approach to capturing and digitizing your company’s content strategy; measuring your current content status; actively guiding content creation to achieve your stated goals; maintaining content over time; and improving overall performance.”

Content governance is a systematic approach to capturing and digitizing your company’s content strategy. It measures your current content status, actively guides content creation to achieve your stated goals, maintains content over time, and improves overall performance.


Embrace your writing standards!

To govern content, you need a clear idea about your company’s writing standards. They’re the foundation upon which content governance is built. Your writing standards should cater to your content types and audiences. And just having writing standards alone aren’t enough: All writers, human or generative AI, need to know them and follow them. By offering all writers and editors actionable guidance on how to meet your writing standards, you bring content governance to life.

That’s why you need software like Acrolinx. It digitizes complex styles guides and turns your writing standards into guidance. You can also automatically enforce them at scale, by adding automation into your workflows.

And finally, in the age of AI, you want to cover the generative AI part of your content supply chain.

What’s a content supply chain?

“The content supply chain refers to the process of creating, distributing, and managing content from its creation to its consumption. It involves all the stages of content production, including: planning, writing, editing, approval, quality assurance, distribution, maintaining, and archiving. This chain ensures that content is created and delivered to the right audience at the right time through various channels.”


How Acrolinx boosts your content supply chain

As AI-powered content governance software, Acrolinx integrates into your content supply chain for 100% editorial coverage of all content, no matter who creates it. This includes editorial assistance, AI guardrails for content standard as well as automation. Let’s dive into each of these aspects:

Editorial Assistance

Acrolinx gives your writers immediate in-depth feedback on the clarity and style of their writing — making sure it’s aligned to your brand. This means that large teams, with different language skills and across different locations, are guided to meet your content strategy and goals.

AI guardrails for content standards

To align not only human-written, but also AI-generated content with your writing standards and goals, Acrolinx offers different ways to add guardrails to your AI content generation processes:

Ensure the quality of content used for LLM fine-tuning

By enforcing quality assurance for content, you make sure that the input content for your LLMs meets your writing standards, significantly improving the model’s output.

Check the quality of generated LLM completions

Integrate Acrolinx into your generative AI workflows to check, score, and improve content as it’s generated. Make sure it aligns with enterprise style guides and writing standards before it reaches your writers.

Provide editorial guidance to writers

Offer editorial guidance directly within the applications writers use daily, using our Sidebar to instantly check content, maintaining content quality and enterprise writing standards.

Implement automated quality control

Incorporate Acrolinx into your content workflows to automatically check and score content quality before publishing. This makes sure that only high-quality content is published, while low-quality content is flagged for editorial review.

Monitor the quality of published content

Acrolinx continually checks the quality of published content, identifying any content that no longer meets your writing standards due to regulation changes, new product releases, mergers, acquisitions, or other events, thus saving you the effort of manual content review.


We already touched on this topic when addressing the Acrolinx effect on AI-generated content. Automation is a great addition to your content supply chain regardless of who’s creating content. Automation reduces time-consuming editing for content quality assurance. It also integrates into your content workflows, such as quality gates for publication from your CCMS. This adds more efficiency to your content production, while making sure to publish only the highest-quality content and mitigate risk.

Why you need analytics for full content governance

Content governance is only complete if it covers the full content supply chain. That means it doesn’t end with publication. To make sure your technical content does its job well, you need content analytics.

Understanding how your readers engage with your content is key to creating a successful content strategy. By comparing quality scores to performance, you can see if your content connects with your audience. This allows you to adjust your writing standards to better fit their needs.

Acrolinx reporting gives you detailed information on content quality trends, common issues, and how well your team follows writing standards. This data helps you track improvements over time, meet regulations, understand user preferences, and address issues before they become problems.

Ultimately, using a systematic, centralized solution to boost content production across the content supply chain is the best way to publish great, compliant efficiently.


Find out how Acrolinx helps technical communication teams. Schedule a demo today!