Recorded on May 9, 2024

For years, the focus of our content strategy has been on crafting messaging for human audiences, leveraging personas, controlled vocabulary, and tone. However, with the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a new audience, our approach must evolve. How does this shift impact our writing, and how can we create content that resonates with humans while effectively training AI systems? Can the same content achieve both goals and does it hinge on our AI usage intentions? Join Leigh White in this thought-provoking webinar as she delves into the necessary considerations for how we must rethink our approach if we want to use our content to teach the machines to teach us.


Presented by: Leigh White, MadCap Software

Leigh White has by now worn almost all the DITA hats: authoring, information architecture, stylesheet development, and conversion. At MadCap Software, formerly IXIASOFT, she’s done everything from implementations to training to feature design to product ownership. Leigh’s also a conference veteran, having spoken on XML, DITA, content management systems, content conversion, and even Frank Lloyd Wright over the years. She is the author of “DITA For Print: A DITA Open Toolkit Workbook” and a contributor to “The Language of Content Strategy.” In her spare time, she hikes, conlangs, plans the perfect murder mystery plot, and makes things from wood.