Recorded on August 28, 2024

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Join us for a fireside chat featuring industry leader, Laura Bellamy and Acrolinx VP of Strategy, Paul Bongers. During this webinar, Paul and Laura will discuss a data-driven content approach to ensure great customer experiences, including:

  • How a data-driven approach supports content quality initiatives in the enterprise.
  • How AI is changing the way organizations look at content quality.
  • The impact of AI in the content supply chain.

Join us to learn how to put your data into action, automate processes, and ensure that your content meets the needs of your customers while propelling business success.


Presented by: Paul Bongers, Acrolinx and Laura Bellamy

Paul Bongers, VP Strategy
Paul shapes the Acrolinx product strategy. He’s worn many hats in SaaS businesses, but at heart he’s a strategist and a technologist. Paul brings a wealth of experience and creativity to Acrolinx. His work with partner ecosystem development, SaaS strategy development along with a deep passion for user-centric technology set the tone of innovation at Acrolinx.


Laura Bellamy, Director of Content Insights and Quality
[email protected]
Laura has 20+ years of experience in the content and customer experience industry where she brings a forward-thinking mindset to help teams adapt and grow. She has been recognized for award-winning user-centered experiences and innovations. Formerly at AWS, she led the Content Insights & Quality to establish evidence-based standards for content quality and performance. Prior to Amazon, she led Content Strategy and Information Experience for VMware and served as an information architect for IBM. She is a co-author of the book DITA Best Practices: A Roadmap for Writing, Editing, and Architecting in DITA.